Friday, June 26, 2009

Bringing Love to the City

When we left London twenty years ago, there was an increasing change in the makeup of the people. More and more, we saw non-English folk making the neighbourhood their home. They added cultural flavour and different culinary smells. Some assaulted the English language, some embraced it with passion, bringing their own translated expressions and phrases to enhance their communication.

Angliophiles abounded. But at the same time, one needed to keep one's own culture. It is not easy to draw the line.

Our recent trip highlighted this.

We attended a local interchurch event. Whilst the majority of the folk were not white, they mostly had English accents. From Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, the West Indies, and the African continent, their worship was vibrant, foot tapping, arm raising and hand clapping stuff.
They came together because they wanted to launch a district-wide outreach. A 5,000 seater tent was booked. The publicity was going out. And they had three guest speakers.

This man is one of them. He is playing and singing a Hindi worship song here. A well-known musician amongst the Asian circles, he is also a pastor.
The outreach being planned is to touch those of Asian background. One of the other two speakers is a famous Bollywood actor and comedian called Johnny Lever. He is a committed Christian. The other is a firey evangelist - classic Asian fare. He has a healing ministry.

All this led by a humble Englishman who pastors the anchoring church.

Love transcends all. Love reaches out to all. Love should be shared with all.

God is Love.

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