Monday, June 22, 2009


Yesterday, for Fathers Day, the topic was Heroes.

I am reminded of one such hero.

Both he and his wife are in their eighties. They were missionaries to Borneo. Now "retired". For as long as I have known them, they have inspired, counseled, trained, admonished, encouraged, and prodded Christians of all ages, backgrounds and cultures.

When we visited them last week, it was humbling and inspiring to see that the fire had not diminished. Once again he had much to share - thoughts to challenge, values to examine and views to change.
For all I know, this might be the last time I see his wife on this side of heaven as she is rather frail and at times her mind wanders and she gets confused. Her battle with Parkinsons' is ongoing.

Her husband, dear man, remains as sprightly and inspiring as ever. It was a delight to spend an hour at his feet. He hopes to visit us yet, when his wife has "changed address" as he puts it.

They are some of my Heroes.


JesuLalaine said...

wow! I'm sure you had a blessed time.. it's always an inspiring time to spend with 'heroes' of faith.

EADotCom said...

Yes it is indeed. This man is one big hero =)