Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Best Friends

So my parents will be married for half a century in less than two months time.

Hubby and I would be married for twenty-eight years next year.

It strikes me that unless you are best friends with the person you married, growing old together can be pretty awful.

Hubby and I have always endeavoured to send our children to school together. Then we would go for breakfast together. That was our special time. It was not always easy. One time, we had three children in three different locations. Ah, those were the days.

Later as the children grew older and started having more of their own activities which didnt involve us, we settled to doing things together, just like the days before the children came along.

And we find that we are enjoying it again.

I told him the other day, "Apart from Jesus, you are my best friend," and meant it.
*Best friends always wish the best of you, and he has done so.
*Best friends always look out for you, and he often does.
*Best friends give you the benefit of the doubt, and he gives that a plenty!

I have also told him too, "I feel incomplete without you," and meant it. There are times when I dread having to do something or go somewhere without him beside me. He complements me even as I hope do him. He's my best friend, even as HE's my best FRIEND.

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