Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Setting the Example

So here I am coughing away. It's tiring business, this coughing is.

What does one do when faced with illness? It's a minor one of course. But our attitude towards it counts.

Should one hibernate and snuggle under the blankets?

Should one hide away and let the world go by?

Personally I dont think that's the right attitude.

Hence laughter comes in. I remind myself and those around me how laughter is good medicine. A merry heart is good medicine. God's joy is our strength! And so forth. I am sure you know even more verses.

Then I have to LIVE IT OUT. Smile, laugh, even though it might bring on another coughing bout. Praise God unceasingly. Pray unceasingly. Meditate on His Word and His Way.

And then I went swimming. Hahahaha! Yes, against the usual old wives tale, I went swimming. Swam 3o laps of a 25 metre pool - did you do your maths fast enough? That makes 750m - a little short of my norm, but I was pressed for time.

The aerobic exercise did me a world of God.

But more importantly, it set an example for the others to see and emulate. After all, these illnesses are small matters and should not hinder us from Him, His joy, His Word and His Way.

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